Sunday, February 18, 2007


What separates the United States from the failed republics of the past? One of the most important differences is the idea that any Tom, Dick, or Harriet can become the leader of the country. We are, in theory, a meritocracy. Unfortunately, we seem to be moving closer and closer to an aristocracy. Think about this. If Hillary gets elected and Jimmy Carter dies, all the surviving presidents will be either a Bush or a Clinton.

I've always supported the non-establishment candidates - Reagan, Dukakis, Perot. When Clinton 1 rallied the moralists with his shenanigans and earned W the nomination, my McCain fervor turned into a vote for Ralph. Don't worry, I was voting in Virginia so it was a meaningless gesture. I'm so anti-establishment that I voted against Allen in the Virginia senate race, which would have been a meaningless gesture if George had kept his head screwed on straight. We have so much talent in this country, that it seems criminal to leave the same folks in the House year after year. Part of the problem was the 1914 decision to override Article 1, section 2, part 3 of the Constitution. Look it up and you'll understand why we have over 95% incumbency in the House and a campaign finance system that has taken power away from the people our government is supposed to serve.

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